Sanctuary of Women: Blog

Women’s Christmas 2018: The Path We Make by Dreaming

January 3rd, 2018

Wise Women Also CameImage: Wise Women Also Came © Jan Richardson

Friends, it is the time of year when I get to wish you a Merry Women’s Christmas and share a gift that I’ve created for you in celebration of the day!

You might already know that in some parts of the world, Epiphany (January 6, which brings the Christmas season to a close) is also celebrated as Women’s Christmas. Originating in Ireland, where it is known as Nollaig na mBan, Women’s Christmas began as a day when the women, who often carried the domestic responsibilities all year, took Epiphany as an occasion to enjoy a bit of respite and celebrate together at the end of the holidays.

Whether your domestic duties are many or few, Women’s Christmas is a good time to pause and take a break from whatever has kept you busy in the past weeks or months. As the Christmas season ends, this is an occasion both to celebrate with friends and also to spend time in reflection before diving into the responsibilities of this new year.

It has become a tradition for me to create a retreat that you can use for Women’s Christmas—or any time you’re in need of a space of respite and regathering. This year’s retreat is titled “The Path We Make by Dreaming.” As I continue to find my way in the wake of my husband’s death, I have been giving a lot of thought to how dreaming happens in my life. I’m talking about dreaming in its broadest sense: the dreams that come by night, the dreams that come by day, the imagining and envisioning we engage in as we work to find and create our path. This year’s retreat offers an invitation for you to reflect on how dreaming happens in your own life, in both the darkness and the day.

The retreat is very flexible, easily adaptable to your own purposes. You can do the retreat anytime you wish, by yourself or with friends near or far. It includes an introduction with some thoughts about how you might use these reflections.

Clicking the link below will take you to a page on this Sanctuary of Women site where you can download the retreat as a PDF file. There is no cost; this is my Women’s Christmas gift to you! If you wish, you can make a donation in support of the retreat; contributions will be shared with the A21 Campaign (, which is devoted to ending human trafficking and providing sanctuary, healing, and hope for those rescued from slavery.

Download the 2018 Women’s Christmas Retreat

(If you don’t see the 2018 retreat when you click the link, just refresh your browser so that you’re seeing the most recent version of the Women’s Christmas page, and the new retreat should appear.)

You are welcome to make copies of the retreat to share with friends. I would be delighted for you to offer this gift to others by sharing this blog post; you can use any of the social media icons at the bottom of this post or simply forward the link to others.

This year’s retreat opens with a new blessing I’ve written for you, which you can find below. As we celebrate the day and enter into the year ahead, I pray that you will find wondrous dreams to live into. Merry Women’s Christmas!

The Map Our Dreaming Makes
A Blessing for Women’s Christmas

I cannot tell you
how far I have come
to give this blessing
to you.

No map
for the distance crossed,
no measure
for the terrain behind,
no calendar
for marking
the passage of time
while I traveled a road
I knew not.

For now, let us say
I had to come by
a different star
than the one
I first followed,
had to navigate by
another dream
than the one
I loved the most.

But I tell you
that even here,
the hope

that each star belongs
to a light
more ancient still,

and each dream
part of the way
that lies beneath
this way,

and each day
drawing us closer
to the day
when every path
will converge

and we will see the map
our dreaming made,
luminous in every line
that finally led us

—Jan Richardson

[The image Wise Women Also Came is © Jan Richardson from Night Visions. To use this image or order an art print, please visit this page at Jan Richardson Images.]

Women’s Christmas 2017: Walking the Way of Hope

January 4th, 2017

Wise Women Also CameImage: Wise Women Also Came © Jan Richardson

Friends, it is that time of year when I get to wish you a Merry Women’s Christmas and share a gift that I’ve created for you in celebration of the day!

You might already know that in some parts of the world, Epiphany (January 6, which brings the Christmas season to a close) is also celebrated as Women’s Christmas. Originating in Ireland, where it is known as Nollaig na mBan, Women’s Christmas began as a day when the women, who often carried the domestic responsibilities all year, took Epiphany as an occasion to enjoy a bit of respite and celebrate together at the end of the holidays.

Whether your domestic duties are many or few, Women’s Christmas is a good time to pause and take a break from whatever has kept you busy in the past weeks or months. As the Christmas season ends, this is an occasion both to celebrate with friends and also to spend time in reflection before diving into the responsibilities of this new year.

It has become a tradition for me to create a retreat that you can use for Women’s Christmas—or any time you’re in need of a space of respite and regathering.

This year’s retreat is titled “Walking the Way of Hope.” As I continue to make a life in the wake of my husband’s unexpected death, I have found myself thinking a lot about hope. I have learned how persistent hope is, how stubborn. It keeps finding me and inviting me to engage my life and this world. This retreat offers an invitation for you to do some reflecting, wondering, and dreaming about how you experience hope in your own life, and what invitations it holds for you, especially when it becomes hard to hope.

The retreat is very flexible, easily adaptable to your own purposes. You can do the retreat anytime you wish, by yourself or with friends near or far. It includes an introduction with some thoughts about how you might use these reflections.

Clicking the link below will take you to a page on this Sanctuary of Women site where you can download the retreat as a PDF file. There is no cost; this is my Women’s Christmas gift to you! If you wish, you can make a donation in support of the retreat; contributions will be shared with the A21 Campaign (, which is devoted to ending human trafficking and providing sanctuary, healing, and hope for those rescued from slavery.

Download the Women’s Christmas Retreat

You are welcome to make copies of the retreat to share with friends. I would be delighted for you to offer this gift to others by sharing this blog post; you can use any of the social media icons at the bottom of this post or simply forward the link to others.

This year’s retreat opens with a new blessing that I’ve written for you, which you can find below. As we celebrate the day and enter into the year ahead, may you walk with hope. Merry Women’s Christmas!

How the Stars Get in Your Bones
A Blessing for Women’s Christmas

Sapphire, diamond, emerald, quartz:
think of every hard thing
that carries its own brilliance,
shining with the luster that comes
only from uncountable ages
in the earth, in the dark,
buried beneath unimaginable weight,
bearing what seemed impossible,
bearing it still.

And you, shouldering the grief
you had thought so solid, so impermeable,
the terrible anguish
you carried as a burden
now become—
who can say what day it happened?—
a beginning.

See how the sorrow in you
slowly makes its own light,
how it conjures its own fire.

See how radiant
even your despair has become
in the grace of that sun.

Did you think this would happen
by holding the weight of the world,
by giving in to the press of sadness
and time?

I tell you, this blazing in you—
it does not come by choosing
the most difficult way, the most daunting;
it does not come by the sheer force
of your will.
It comes from the helpless place in you
that, despite all, cannot help but hope,
the part of you that does not know
how not to keep turning
toward this world,
to keep turning your face
toward this sky,
to keep turning your heart
toward this unendurable earth,
knowing your heart will break
but turning it still.

I tell you,
this is how the stars
get in your bones.

This is how the brightness
makes a home in you,
as you open to the hope that burnishes
every fractured thing it finds
and sets it shimmering,
a generous light that will not cease,
no matter how deep the darkness grows,
no matter how long the night becomes.

Still, still, still
the secret of secrets
keeps turning in you,
becoming beautiful,
becoming blessed,
kindling the luminous way
by which you will emerge,
carrying your shattered heart
like a constellation within you,
singing to the day
that will not fail to come.

—Jan Richardson

[The Wise Women Also Came image is © Jan Richardson from the book Night Visions. To use this image or order an art print, please visit this page at Jan Richardson Images.]

Women’s Christmas 2016: Home By Another Way

January 6th, 2016

Wise Women Also Came
Image: Wise Women Also Came © Jan Richardson

Happy Epiphany! You might already know that in some parts of the world, Epiphany (January 6, which brings the Christmas season to a close) is also celebrated as Women’s Christmas. Originating in Ireland, where it is known as Nollaig na mBan, Women’s Christmas began as a day when the women, who often carried the domestic responsibilities all year, took Epiphany as an occasion to enjoy a bit of respite and celebrate together at the end of the holidays.

Whether your domestic duties are many or few, Women’s Christmas is a good time to pause and take a break from whatever has kept you busy in the past weeks or months. As the Christmas season ends, this is an occasion both to celebrate with friends and also to spend time in reflection before diving into the responsibilities of this new year.

It has become a tradition for me to create a retreat that you can use for Women’s Christmas—or anytime you’re in need of a space of reflection. Posting this year’s retreat in the wee hours of Epiphany morning, I’m squeaking in just under the wire; this has not been a season that made it possible to post the retreat farther in advance of the day! But I cannot imagine beginning the year without offering this gift to you, and I hope you will use it whenever it fits for you.

This year’s retreat is titled “Home By Another Way.” As I continue to find my way in the wake of my husband’s death, I have been doing a lot of thinking about home—what it is, how it happens, where we are called to find it and to share it. This retreat offers an invitation for you to do some reflecting, wondering, and dreaming about what home is for you, in the many senses of this word.

The retreat is very flexible, easily adaptable to your own purposes. You can do the retreat anytime you wish, by yourself or with friends near or far. It includes an introduction with some thoughts about how you might use these reflections.

Clicking the link below will take you to a page on this Sanctuary of Women site where you can download the retreat as a PDF file. There’s no cost; think of it as my Women’s Christmas gift to you! You are also welcome to make a donation in support of the retreat; contributions will be shared with the A21 Campaign (, which is devoted to ending human trafficking and providing sanctuary, healing, and home for those rescued from slavery.

Download the Women’s Christmas Retreat

You are welcome to make copies of the retreat to share with friends. I would be delighted for you to spread the word about the retreat by sharing this blog post; you can use any of the social media icons at the bottom of this post or simply forward the link to others.

The retreat opens with a blessing I’ve included for you below. As we celebrate the day and enter into the year ahead, may you find wondrous shelter along the way. Merry Women’s Christmas!

The Map You Make Yourself
A Blessing for Women’s Christmas

You have looked
at so many doors
with longing,
wondering if your life
lay on the other side.

For today,
choose the door
that opens
to the inside.

Travel the most ancient way
of all:
the path that leads you
to the center
of your life.

No map
but the one
you make yourself.

No provision
but what you already carry
and the grace that comes
to those who walk
the pilgrim’s way.

Speak this blessing
as you set out
and watch how
your rhythm slows,
the cadence of the road
drawing you into the pace
that is your own.

Eat when hungry.
Rest when tired.
Listen to your dreaming.
Welcome detours
as doors deeper in.

Pray for protection.
Ask for guidance.
Offer gladness
for the gifts that come,
and then
let them go.

Do not expect
to return
by the same road.
Home is always
by another way,
and you will know it
not by the light
that waits for you

but by the star
that blazes inside you,
telling you
where you are
is holy
and you are welcome

—Jan Richardson

[The Wise Women Also Came image is © Jan Richardson from the book Night Visions. To use this image, please visit this page at Jan Richardson Images.]

Beloved: An Online Retreat for Lent 2015

February 17th, 2015

Lenten Retreat

Blessings to you on this Fat Tuesday/Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras/Ash Wednesday Eve! I continue to be so grateful for the opportunity to travel through Advent with so many of you on the Illuminated Retreat, and also to have you share in the Women’s Christmas Retreat that I created for Epiphany this year. As we prepare to cross the threshold into Lent, I wanted to let you know about the new online retreat that I’ll be offering during this season. If you haven’t already registered for the retreat, I would love for you to join us. Here’s a glimpse of what’s in store:

BELOVED: An Online Journey into Lent & Easter
February 18 – April 6
New for 2015!

This online retreat is not about adding one more thing to your schedule! It is about helping you find spaces for reflection that draw you into the mysteries and gifts of this season. Intertwining reflection, art, music, and community, this retreat offers a space of elegant simplicity as you journey through Lent.

You can join in the retreat from anywhere you are; you do not have to show up at a particular place or time. You’re welcome to engage the retreat as much or as little as you wish, in the way that works best for you. If you’re hungry for a simple way to move deeply into this season, this retreat is for you.

For more info and registration, visit Online Lenten Retreat or click the retreat logo above. That page also has a link to an FAQ page with further details. If you have any questions, or if you have any concerns about things that you think might hinder you from participating in the retreat, please be sure to visit these pages.

Individual and group rates are available. You can also give the retreat as a gift!

The season of Lent invites us to know, most of all, how completely God loves us, and to let go of everything that would keep us from receiving and responding to that love. This invitation is at the heart of the Beloved Lenten Retreat. If this sounds good to you—if you would like to lean into the love that enfolds and encompasses you—I would love to travel with you.

Blessings and peace to you as Lent begins!

Women’s Christmas 2015: Illuminating the Threshold

January 1st, 2015

Wise Women Also Came
Image: Wise Women Also Came © Jan Richardson

Did you know that in some parts of the world, Epiphany (January 6, which brings the Christmas season to a close) is celebrated as Women’s Christmas? Originating in Ireland, where it is known as Nollaig na mBan, Women’s Christmas began as a day when the women, who often carried the domestic responsibilities all year, took Epiphany as an occasion to enjoy a break and celebrate together at the end of the holidays.

Whether your domestic duties are many or few, Women’s Christmas is a good time to pause and take a break from whatever has kept you busy and hurried in the past weeks or months. As the Christmas season ends, this is an occasion both to celebrate with friends and also to spend time in reflection before diving into the responsibilities of this new year.

It’s become a tradition for me to create a retreat that you can use for Women’s Christmas—or anytime you’re in need of a space of reflection. This year’s retreat is titled “Illuminating the Threshold.” I have a lingering fascination with thresholds, those betwixt and between places that emerge when we have left what is familiar but have not arrived at what lies ahead. This retreat offers an invitation for you to engage your own thresholds and do some reflecting and dreaming there.

The retreat is very flexible, easily adaptable to your own purposes. You can do the retreat anytime you wish, by yourself or with friends near or far. It includes an introduction with some thoughts about how you might use these reflections.

Clicking the link below will take you to a page on this Sanctuary of Women site where you can download the retreat as a PDF file. There’s no cost; think of it as my Women’s Christmas gift to you! You’re also welcome to make a donation in support of the retreat; donations will be shared with the A21 Campaign (, which is devoted to ending human trafficking and providing sanctuary and healing for those rescued from slavery.

Download the Women’s Christmas Retreat

You are welcome to make copies of the retreat to share with friends. I’d be delighted for you to spread the word about the retreat by sharing this blog post; you can use any of the social media icons at the bottom of this post or simply forward the link to others.

The retreat opens with a threshold blessing I’ve included for you below. As we celebrate the day and enter into the year ahead, may Christ our Light meet you at every door. Merry Women’s Christmas!

Blessing the Threshold

This blessing
has been waiting for you
for a long time.

While you have been
making your way here
this blessing has been
gathering itself
making ready
biding its time

This blessing has been
polishing the door
oiling the hinges
sweeping the steps
lighting candles
in the windows.

This blessing has been
setting the table
as it hums a tune
from an old song
it knows,
something about
a spiraling road
and bread
and grace.

All this time
it has kept an eye
on the horizon,
keeping vigil,
hardly aware of how
it was leaning itself
in your direction.

And now that
you are here
this blessing
can hardly believe
its good fortune
that you have finally arrived,
that it can drop everything
at last
to fling its arms wide
to you, crying

– Jan Richardson

[The Wise Women Also Came image is © Jan Richardson from the book Night Visions. To use this image, please visit this page at Jan Richardson Images.]

Beloved: An Online Retreat for Lent

February 25th, 2014

Lent is drawing close, already! It was such a remarkable gift to travel through Advent with so many of you on the Illuminated Retreat, and also to have you share in the Women’s Christmas Retreat. As we look toward the coming season, I would love for you to join us for the all-new online retreat that I’ll be offering during Lent. Here’s a glimpse of what’s ahead:

BELOVED: An Online Journey into Lent & Easter
March 4 – April 21
New for 2014!

This online retreat is not about adding one more thing to your schedule! It is about helping you find spaces for reflection that draw you into the mysteries and gifts of this season. Intertwining reflection, art, music, and community, this retreat offers a space of elegant simplicity as you journey through Lent.

You can join in the retreat from anywhere you are; you do not have to show up at a particular place or time. You’re welcome to engage the retreat as much or as little as you wish, in the way that works best for you. If you’re hungry for a simple way to move deeply into this season, this retreat is for you.

For more info and registration, visit Online Lenten Retreat or click the retreat logo above. That page also has a link to an FAQ page with further details. If you have any questions, or if you have any concerns about things that you think might hinder you from participating in the retreat, please be sure to visit these pages.

Group and congregational rates are available. You can also give the retreat as a gift!

The season of Lent invites us to know, most of all, how utterly and thoroughly God loves us, and to let go of everything that would keep us from receiving and responding to that love. This invitation is at the heart of the Beloved Lenten Retreat. If that sounds good to you—if you’d like to lean into the love that enfolds and encompasses you—I would love to travel with you.

Blessings to you as Lent draws near.

Women’s Christmas: The Shimmering Hours

January 2nd, 2014

Image: Wise Women Also Came © Jan Richardson

In some parts of the world, Epiphany (January 6, which brings the Christmas season to a close) is celebrated as Women’s Christmas. Originating in Ireland, where it is known as Nollaig na mBan, Women’s Christmas began as a day when the women, who often carried the domestic responsibilities all year, took Epiphany as an occasion to enjoy a break and celebrate together at the end of the holidays.

Whether your domestic duties are many or few, Women’s Christmas is a good time to pause and take a break from whatever has kept you busy and hurried in the past weeks or months. As the Christmas season comes to a close, this is an occasion both to celebrate with friends and also to spend time in reflection before diving into the responsibilities of this new year.

It’s become something of a tradition for me to create a retreat that you can use for Women’s Christmas—or anytime you’re in need of a space of reflection. This year’s retreat is titled “The Shimmering Hours,” and our theme for this one is time. Inspired in part by my own questions about time (How will I enter time? What do I do with my time? In the press of each day, how will I make choices that allow me to feel some freedom about time—that it is spacious, that I will have enough?), the retreat offers an invitation for you to engage your own questions about how you move through your days.

The retreat is very flexible, easily adaptable to your own purposes. You can do the retreat anytime you wish, by yourself or with friends near or far. It includes an introduction with some thoughts about how you might use these reflections.

Clicking the link below will take you to a page on this Sanctuary of Women site where you can download the retreat as a PDF file. There’s no cost; think of it as my Women’s Christmas gift to you! You’re also welcome to make a donation in support of the retreat; donations will be shared with the A21 Campaign (, which is devoted to ending human trafficking and providing sanctuary and healing for those rescued from slavery.

Download the Women’s Christmas Retreat

You are welcome to make copies of the retreat to share with friends. I’d be delighted for you to spread the word about the retreat by sharing this blog post; you can use any of the social media icons at the bottom of this post or simply forward the link to others.

I’ve also written a new Women’s Christmas blessing for you. As we celebrate the day and enter into the year ahead, may you have time enough, and may Christ our Light meet you in every moment. Merry Women’s Christmas!

The Shimmering Hours
A Blessing for Women’s Christmas

There is so much
I want to say,
as if the saying
could prepare you
for this path,
as if there were anything
I could offer
that would make your way
less circuitous,
more smooth.

Once you step out
you will see for yourself
how nothing could have
made you ready for this road
that will take you
from what you know now
to what you cannot perceive
except, perhaps,
in your dreaming
or as it gives a glimpse
in prayer.

But I can tell you
this journey is not
about miles.
It is not about how far
you can walk
or how fast.

It is about what you will do
with this moment, this star
that blazes in your sky
though no one else
might see.

So open your heart
to these shimmering hours
by which your path
is made.

Open your eyes
to the light that shines
on what you will need
to see.

Open your hands
to those who go with you,
those seen
and those known only
by their blessing, their benediction
of the road that is
your own.

[The Wise Women Also Came image is © Jan L. Richardson from the book Night Visions: Searching the Shadows of Advent and Christmas. To use this image, please visit this page at Jan Richardson Images.]

Mary Magdalene – Video Correction!

July 22nd, 2013

A special message just for my subscribers who receive the Sanctuary of Women posts via email. Due to a WordPress glitch, the video The Hours of Mary Magdalene that was embedded in yesterday’s post most likely didn’t show up in your email. To view the video, simply click the image or title below, which will take you to where it appears on Vimeo. Blessings to you on this Feast of Mary Magdalene!

And also…

I want to let you know that Gary and I have created a page on Facebook called Art + Faith, where we’re currently featuring the remarkable artwork of our friends who teach with us in the Liturgical Arts Weeks at the amazing Grünewald Guild. We would love for you to stop by, “like” the page, and be part of the creative conversation that’s unfolding there. And be sure to check out this summer’s Liturgical Arts Weeks at the Guild. We have just a few spots left—does one of them have your name on it? For a glimpse of the Guild, visit this post: Where Heaven and Earth Meet.

Liturgical Arts Week at the Grünewald Guild

The Magdalene’s Blessing

July 21st, 2013

Image: The Blessing Cups: Jesus and Mary Magdalene at Tea
© Jan L. Richardson

Blessings to you on this eve of the Feast of Mary Magdalene! Earlier this year, at the Women’s Convocation in Bellevue, Washington—a marvelous gathering whose speakers included Sr. Helen Prejean and Clarissa Pinkola Estés—I had the opportunity to speak on the theme of “Illuminating the Threshold.” Mary Magdalene, whose story is so associated with thresholds, easily found her way into my talk. As Gary and I traveled across the country for the convocation, I composed a blessing inspired by the Magdalene’s encounter with Jesus on Easter morning. I offered the blessing to those who came to my talk—those who, like me, find themselves fascinated by threshold spaces and the invitations they hold.

As we celebrate the Magdalene’s feast day (July 22), I offer this blessing to you. Wherever you are, whatever threshold you are on or are approaching, may courage and grace attend you.

The Magdalene’s Blessing

You hardly imagined
standing here,
everything you ever loved
suddenly returned to you,
looking you in the eye
and calling your name.

And now
you do not know
how to abide this ache
in the center
of your chest,
where a door
slams shut
and swings open
at the same time,
turning on the hinge
of your aching
and hopeful heart.

I tell you,
this is not a banishment
from the garden.

This is an invitation,
a choice,
a threshold,
a gate.

This is your life
calling to you
from a place
you could never
have dreamed,
but now that you
have glimpsed its edge,
you cannot imagine
choosing any other way.

So let the tears come
as anointing,
as consecration,
and then
let them go.

Let this blessing
gather itself around you.

Let it give you
what you will need
for this journey.

You will not remember
the words—
they do not matter.

All you need to remember
is how it sounded
when you stood
in the place of death
and heard the living
call your name.

© Jan Richardson

2017 update: This blessing appears in my book Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons.

P.S. The Hours of Mary Magdalene is a video that my singer/songwriter husband and I produced, intertwining my series of images inspired by the life and legends of the Magdalene with his gorgeous and haunting song, “Mary Magdalena.” Please note that if you click the Vimeo logo in the player below (in the bottom right corner), it will take you directly to a larger version of the video.

For a previous reflection on the Feast of Mary Magdalene, click the image or title below.

At Her Prayers: Mary Magdalene with a Book of Hours
Feast of Mary Magdalene

And don’t miss…

Gary and I have created an Art + Faith page on Facebook, where we’re currently featuring the remarkable artwork of our friends who teach with us in the Liturgical Arts Weeks at the amazing Grünewald Guild. We would love for you to stop by, “like” the page, and be part of the creative conversation that’s unfolding there. And be sure to check out this summer’s Liturgical Arts Weeks at the Guild. We have just a few spots left—does one of them have your name on it? For a glimpse of the Guild, visit this post: Where Heaven and Earth Meet.

Liturgical Arts Week at the Grünewald Guild

On the Threshold of Lent: Return

February 11th, 2013

Advent and Christmas are not so very far behind us, and already we’re standing at the edge of Lent! As Ash Wednesday draws near, I want to let you know that Gary and I will be offering an online retreat during Lent. We so enjoyed traveling with many of you during our online Advent retreat, and it was wonderful also to hear from lots of you who enjoyed the Women’s Christmas retreat. We would love to journey with you during the coming season!

If you haven’t already read about the retreat, here’s a bit of info:

RETURN: An Online Journey into Lent & Easter
February 13 – March 31

This is a Lenten retreat for people who don’t have time for a Lenten retreat (and for those who do!). You do not have to show up at a particular place or time. You can do this retreat from anywhere you are, and you’re welcome to engage the retreat as much or as little as you wish.

Travel toward Easter in the company of folks who want to move through this season with mindfulness and grace. This online retreat is not about adding one more thing to your schedule. It is about helping you find spaces for reflection that draw you deep into the mysteries and gifts of this season. This retreat intertwines reflection, art, music, and community, offering a space of elegant simplicity as you journey through Lent.

If you’re part of a group that would like to take the retreat together, we offer group discounts. Whether you’re part of a group that meets together in one place, such as a Bible study or book group, or a network of friends or colleagues stretched across the country or around the world, this retreat is a great way to travel through the season together.

If you’re hungry for a simple way to move deeply into this season, this retreat is for you. For more info and registration, visit Online Lenten Retreat or click the retreat logo above. That page also has a link to a FAQ page with further details. If you have any questions, or if you have any concerns about things that you think might hinder you from participating in the retreat, please do be sure to visit these pages. You’re also welcome to be in touch with me directly.

Deep blessings and gratitude to you as the new season begins.