Leaning into Lent

When I was growing up, both sets of my grandparents had summer homes next to one another on a lake in central Florida. One of the lake houses is still in our family, and Gary and I spent part of the afternoon there today. The small house brims with memories, many of which came to visit as Gary and I sat outside, listening to the lapping of the waves against the shore.

The season of Lent calls upon our memories, both individual and collective. These coming days bring us back around the stories that root us and ground us and help us know, as the body of Christ, who we are and where we are from. As we enter this season and travel through its terrain, I am sharing some pages from my past in the form of excerpts from the Lenten section of my first book, Sacred Journeys. As you cross into this season, what memories come to call? What might they have to tell you in the days ahead?

This prayer begins the Lenten section of Sacred Journeys.

A Prayer for the Beginning of Lent

Our word Lent comes from a word meaning lengthen, probably referring to the lengthening daylight of this season. These days may seem longer as we remember, as we prepare, as we begin to touch the wounds that have emerged along the journey. As we move into this season, remembering that we are elemental creatures, made of dust, we pray for strength for the journey and for endurance to wrestle a blessing from these days.

You may light a candle.

God of the journey,
who calls us to travel with faith,
who reminds us we are dust
yet breathes into us the breath of life,
hear my prayer:

Bearer of the Sun,
draw me into your heart of fire,
that I may have light to uncover
the unremembered stories
and strength to endure their telling.

Creator of the world,
awaken me to the blessedness of earth,
that I may honor those who once dwelled
along these paths that I now travel.

Spirit who hovered
over the face of the deep,
lead me to your life-giving waters,
that I may give my tears to the depths
and find refreshment and delight.

Helper who breathes life
into each new generation,
surround me with the winds of your spirit,
and may I hear with tenderness
the stories that they bear.

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